Suffix Prefix exercise with answer for SSC Exam

Suffix Prefix exercise with answer for SSC Exam.

01.Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis:

The (a)__(ward)___ beauty of a man is not his real beauty.His (b)__(ward)__  makes him true man.Even man has certain (c)__(born)____ qualities whereby he can become a (d)__(use)____ man and thus a (e)___(celebrate)___ person.So we may say that (f)__(in)____ values are more important than (g)__(out)___ ones.But it is very sad that we remain (h)___(care)____ about our mental development.We always remain busy with how to (i)__(rich)___ our outer show which is really (j)__(value)____.


Suffix and Prefix exercise with answer for SSC Exam

02.Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis:

The nature of a mother's love is the same in all countries. It is (a)___(universe)__. For our (b)__(exist)__ on earth, we (c)__(great)__ owe to our father and mother, (d)__(special)__
to our mother. A mother's love is (e)__ (parallel)__ and unique. A child's (f)__(relate)__ with its mother is (g)__(heaven)__ and (h)___(spirit)__.We can (i)___(hard)__ see a mother (j)__(different)__ to her child's wellbeing.



3.Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis:

(a)____(Forest) means cutting down of trees (b)____(discriminate). Bangladesh is a (c)____(dense) populated country.This huge population needs more shelter, (d)____(agriculture) land, fuel, furniture etc. For all these reasons people cut trees. Moreover, there are (e)____(honest) people who cut trees for making money (f)____(legal). The (g)____(remove) of trees causes serious damage to the soil as trees give (h)____(protect) to soil as well. The temperature will rise and it will cause green house effect. One day the country will be (i)____(suit) for living.So, tree plantation programme should be extended (i)____(out) the country.

(a) Deforestation; (b) indiscriminately;  (c)densely; (d) agricultural; (e) dishonest; (f) illegally; (g) removal; (h)protection; (i)unsuitable; (j) throughout.

4.Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis:

(a)____(Violate) of traffic rules is not an (b)____(common) sight in our country. The (c)____(violate) go (d)____(punished). So, nobody cares for the traffic rules. Very often, an (e)____(ethical) competition is found among the drivers to overtake others vehicles. Most of our drivers are (f)____(literate). They are very much (g)____(careful) - about what is going to happen. The loss of life by accident caused due to fast (h)____(drive) is not a
matter to them. It is due to (i)____(proper) (i)____(implement) of traffic rules.


(a) Violation; (b) uncommon; (c) violators; (d)unpunished; (e) unethical; (f) illiterate; (g) careless; (h)driving; (i) improper; (j)implementation.
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